
Lancaster, PA Luthier, Dan Julio Morales, started his ongoing musical journey when he picked up the Ukulele at age 7. Unlike many of us who tinker with whatever instrument is collecting dust around the house only to put it down and never pick it up again, this initial encounter ignited a passion for music and an insatiable thirst for knowledge of the magical instruments that created that music.
The Man behind the Name

A Loving Tribute to a Legend
World famous guitarist Ernesto Tamayo accepted Dan as his first student in the US after graduating from Peabody. After his untimely passing in 2014 after a long battle with brain cancer, Dan and his son Antonio built their guitar shop to honor Ernesto.

A Glimpse at an Impressive Resume
*Studied guitar under Ernesto Tamayo
*Course work with Dr. Matthew Allison
Friends and Mentors include:
*Dr. Daniel Baugh Jr (Calido Guitars, TX)
*Doron Markowitz (D Guitars and Lutherie, FL)
*Alan Morison (AM Guitar Works, IA) author of "How to Make Money in the Guitar Biz"